Arnold Sports Festival 2024 – Pillow Fight Championship


From the official website:

PFC: Pillow Fight Championship is the world’s first professional pillow fighting league featuring professional fighters engaging in intense, fast-paced and all ages-friendly combat unrivaled by any other professional sports entertainment or fighting organization.


Imagine our surprise when we were we went to cover the annual Guns and Hoses boxing event and found that the time was going to be shared with the Pillow Fight Championship!

I can’t remember the first time that I saw this, but I do remember that it was on late one night on ESPN. At the time, I didn’t really know what to think of it. My impression was positive as it seems like a lot of fun and a sport that could be inclusive of all ages and genders.

The matches were fast paced and exciting with lots of strategy employed by the strikers. Spinning strikes, overhead smashes all employed with speed and accuracy.

While the athletes were fun and talented, I also want to take a minute to thank the whole organization for their professionalism in their setup, execution and commentary. Luckily for me I was able to get some of these images you see here from right next to the announcers table – top class, all of them!

If you’ve never seen this before, I implore you to give it a chance! Often times it reminded me of a very cat and mouse game – testing the other strikers defenses and trying to find a way to exploit it to land a point. I often though that some of the moves and strategies made me think of fencing as well.

I believe this is the first time that the PFC has been to the Arnold Sports Festival and I hope they return again in 2025!

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